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Let's celebrate National Fast Food Day!

November is a great month to celebrate with us, first it was International Sandwich Day on November 3, International Churro Day on the 11th and now, on November 16, National Fast Food Day in the United States arrives, We invite you to enjoy our products, we have many options for you.

Fast food is a concept that encompasses food that is prepared and served expeditiously, to be consumed instantly, either in specialized establishments, on the street or in places to eat standing up. Although it is a relatively new and modern concept, this type of food was already styled like this since ancient Rome but it was popularized in the United States in the 1950s. Most fast food restaurants offer self-service and today in Today, the delivery service is another alternative, which has been added to get the products to the door of the customers' homes.

The United States is home to the largest fast food industry in the world. Today's fast food includes a wide selection of sides, soft drinks and desserts, from ice cream and milkshakes to cakes and pastries. Proof of this, we are, a franchise with stores in Florida and Texas, specialized in Churros, with various products to sweeten your life, CrispyMania®, TwistMania®, BigMania® and ChurroBites. Our option with ice creams are the CHURROMANIA® Ice-Cream and the CrispySundae. The Churro S´mores is a delicious combination of churros with marshmallow and the topping of your choice. In the case of salty products, we have adapted our churros and have created the ChurroDog, Thanks to the versatility of our product, the Tequeño, typically Venezuelan or the Empanadas Venezuelan style. At CHURROMANIA®, in addition to the traditional soft drinks and iced tea, we have several options in terms of drinks, we have hot and cold drinks for every occasion, which you can see on our "Menu" page.

Do not miss this special day and come with your family or friends to celebrate with us, or from the comfort of your home place your order. Upload your photo and tag us in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube and LinkedIn

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